Why Hire Scott and Scott Home Inspections for your Home Inspection?
Leave it to us! We will walk you through your new home step by step and give you a good understanding of what's happening in the home and how things work throughout. You should look at your home as an investment in your family and your future. We want to make sure you'll be happy and safe in your home. That's why we are extremely thorough. We have over 20 years experience inspecting CT homes full time. After your home inspection, we are always available for questions. Just call or email and we'll get right back to you.
About George Neil Scott: Looking for a home inspector? Inspecting homes for 23+ years, George Neil Scott is a Connecticut licensed and insured, trusted and reputable home inspector, Connecticut state license number #HOI.314. Neil also served on the Board of Directors and is past President (2008-2009) and past Vice President (2007-2008) of the Coastal Connecticut Chapter of ASHI Coastal CT ASHI. When "shopping" or comparing prices for a home inspector or home inspections services, remember to ASK QUESTIONS! Ask about their experience, what kinds of properties and how many have they inspected per year. Always verify that your home inspector is currently state licensed. Unfortunately, there are people who claim to be "licensed" home inspectors and either are not licensed or have let their license lapse, you should ALWAYS VERIFY ANY LICENSE NUMBERSwith the Connecticut State Department of Consumer Protection (ct.gov/dcp).
For your information...Before beginning any inspection, a Connecticut State licensed home inspector should be asking you to review and sign the STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTION REGULATION CONCERNING HOME INSPECTORS (provided by the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection http://www.ct.gov/dcp/site/default.asp regarding home inspections and what the inspector is required to do. This document is required by the state to be given to everyone who hires a home inspector to protect you, the consumer.